Apply for the $100,000 Global Student Prize 2025
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Alongside the Global Student Prize, this year sees the launch of the $25,000 US Student Prize!

Applications and nominations are now open for the 2025 Global Student Prize. partnered with the Varkey Foundation to launch a sister award to the Global Teacher Prize in 2021. Now in its fifth year, the award was created as a powerful platform to highlight incredible students who are making a real impact on learning, the lives of their peers, and society beyond.

Excitingly, this year also marks the launch of a brand-new award—the $25,000 US Student Prize! All US students who apply for the Global Student Prize will automatically be considered for this new award. The top 10 finalists for the US Student Prize will be announced later in the year, with the winner revealed just before the top 10 finalists for the Global Student Prize are announced.

Who can apply?

The prize is open to all students who are at least 16 years old and enrolled in an academic institution or training and skills program. Part-time students and students enrolled in online courses are also eligible for the prize.

The prize will be narrowed down to a Top 50 shortlist and Top 10 finalists, to be announced later in the year, helping provide worldwide recognition for high-achieving students. The winner, announced later in the year, will be chosen from the top 10 finalists by the Global Student Prize Academy, made up of prominent individuals. 


Apply now or nominate a student!

What are the judging criteria?

Students applying for the Global Student Prize will be assessed on their academic achievement, impact on their peers, how they make a difference in their community and beyond, how they overcome the odds to achieve, how they demonstrate creativity and innovation, and how they operate as global citizens.

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Last year’s winner of the Global Student Prize 2024, Ángela Elena Olazarán Laureano, was selected from almost 11,000 nominations and applications from 176 countries around the world. She helped create Ixtlilton, a prize-winning AI-powered virtual medical assistant that can currently diagnose 21 diseases based on a series of questions. Designed with local medics during COVID-19, Ixtlilton aims to assist people living in remote areas or far from medical centers by helping them determine whether they require medical care.


Learn more about our previous finalists and winners:

“Both the Global Student Prize and the Global Teacher Prize were created to highlight the vital role education plays in crafting solutions to humanity’s greatest challenges – from climate change to global health emergencies and growing inequality. Policymakers must always remember the importance of education, and it must be top of their agenda as it is the key to facing the future with confidence.”

Sunny Varkey

 Founder of the Varkey Foundation

Unveiling the Global Student Prize 2024 Top 10 Finalists
Meet the Top 50 finalists for the $100,000 Global Student Prize 2024
Chegg CEO Nathan Schultz Awards 2024 Global Student Prize to Ángela Elena Olazarán Laureano
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